Wednesday, April 10, 2019

INDIAN PHILOSOPHY- Journey Towards The Truth

Namaste Friends

Since the human body is the most evolved physical form further evolution of human being is not possible on physical plane. According to Researchers  approximately 0.2 million years ago homo sapiens appeared.Then they evolved as  Conscious beings.Through this consciousness, evolution is taking place in  three planes namely Intellectual,Emotional and Spiritual . In this modern age a lot of significance is given to human thoughts. Human beings are supposed to be evolving through the thought process which takes place in intellectual plane.Intellect seeks Truth. we have to examine whether  our thoughts are making us to move towards the  truth or not.
"Philosophically the study of Indian Philosophy is important in the search for the truth.
The major problems of Indian Philosophy are the problems faced by thinking men ever since he first began to speculate about life and reality,but Indian Philosophy also has special problems,different emphasis unique approaches and methods,and unique solutions all of which are India's contributions to the total picture of the truth which is the substance of Philosophy."
by Dr. Sarvepally Radhakrishna in his Book "A Source Book Of Indian Philosophy"

The schools of Indian Philosophy discusses about the means of acquiring valid knowledge required to establish the Truth.
Let us start this journey towards the Truth through the study of Indian Philosophy.



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